So sophisticated
I love cheese. And I won't lie; I've had some pretty fancy cheese. But I also like regular, everyday cheese. One weekend last summer, a guy asked me out and for our first date, I got to choose the restaurant. Three hours before our date, he sent me an email telling me he couldn't come because he had looked up the restaurant's menu and determined that I was "too sophisticated" for him. Little did he know that I was looking forward to that restaurant's fried cheese curds. I ended up going alone the next night - because you shouldn't let a date keep you from your food.

You could use this tasty cornbread recipe from Epicurious or you could just perk up your favorite box mix. I'm not here to judge. Same goes for the chili. It's easy to make from scratch, and I would recommend that if you have the time, but there are some fine tasting cans out there. This dinner is all about the cheese.
Here in Oregon, we have the standby Tillamook cheddar. Most groceries sell the regular brick of medium cheddar, the sharp, and sometimes the white cheddar. If you go to the factory, you will have the chance to taste - and buy - some flavored cheddars. Jalapeno cheddar, garlic and chili cheddar, and my new favorite, the sharp white and cracked black pepper cheddar. While they have dressed it up a bit, it is still the standby cheddar and goes great with regular food. Crackers, tacos, and chili all got a chance to be paired with the flavored cheddars. And last night, I mixed in some black pepper cheddar with my cornbread batter. Topped with chili, it becomes so sophisticated.

Can you translate your first comment because I can't read it. Cheese curds remind me of the state fair. I love your story.