Once again, the crowd swayed me. I read the Smitten Kitten entry on this basic pasta sauce. Plum tomatoes, a halved onion, butter, and salt. That's it. Could a sauce that plain truly satisfy? Indeed, it could. Like S.K., I made the sauce twice in a week. First, as directed. Second, with a can of crushed tomatoes. Both were smooth and slightly sweet. I tossed Italian sausage meatballs with the pasta the second time around. 
Our weather has been mild and intermittently sunny. The plants are coming forth with gusto. My tulips are up and my lavender columbine is about to flower. I picked some new thyme and decided to make use of this springtime wealth. Since good citrus is still available, I cut into a grapefruit and proceeded to happy hour.
Grapefruit Thyme Martini
half large grapefruit
One shot vodka
1/2 shot Aperol (or similar apertif/liqueur)
3-4 sprigs fresh thyme (regular or lemon)

Put handful of ice cubes into a martini shaker. Put in the thyme sprigs and muddle by mashing them around in the ice. Pour in your liquids. Cover the shaker and shake vigorously. Strain into a glass and imbibe.
Coming soon: Food postcards from Switzerland, Puerto Rico, and San Francisco!
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